Prayer is now scientifically proven to make THE difference.
The scientific field of the study of prayer is called neurotheology and, these scientists have found that the brains of people who spend time in prayer and meditation are different.
It shows how the neuroplasticity of the brain actually opens new channels through prayer...
And those new pathways can create a new life.
Since 2011, hundreds of thousands have gathered in prayer each month on the day that matches the year (in this case 18/18).
These Prayer Circle Gatherings have supported individual lives, the lives of friends and families, and those who are struggling and suffering on the planet.
Each month, you have the chance to contribute as we meet together, en masse, to make THE difference...
And, in the process, you are served deeply.
The 2018 “18/18 Prayer Circle” is now upon us.
I invite you to join in and connect with thousands as we together tap into the power of transformation through the universal language of love that is prayer.
It starts January 18 live and interactive...
In fact, there are usually personal and individual healings that happen as I open the lines and take your questions.
Then, the powerful and healing prayer circles continue on the 18th day of each month for the rest of the year at 12PM California Time.
This is your chance to join me, Jennifer McLean, each month in 2018 to lay an unshakable, energetic foundation of love and light for you, your friends and family, and the planet.
Use this time of prayer to move through this year with clear, unwavering intentions and a new monthly practice of creation through prayer.
And receive the boundless benefits of a supported life with healing prayer in it.